Tuesday, April 13, 2010

A Sunny Tuesday!

A good day at school today. Darby was in a great mood as he got out of the car this morning, because the radio played one of his favorite songs, "Cult of Personality". Plus, his aide was back from being sick, and he really clicks with her.
Even though he did have a good day, it still doesn't change our thoughts on switching schools for next school year. But every good day that he has is a success in our eyes.

He has been very fixated on Mario lately, as in the Mario Brothers from the old Nintendo games. This has been a recurring theme on and off for the last three years. But we have noticed that he seems more obsessed with Mario when he is dealing with stress from school or peers, so as much as hearing about Mario 24/7 (and watching Mario videos on YouTube, and playing Mario flash games online while talking about Mario) may drive us a little batty (ha ha!), we accept it as his way of dealing with things, and it makes him happy.

Yesterday, I picked him up early from school for his doctors appt, and while we were waiting for the bus, he was telling me about recess and some of the girls in his class trying to get him into trouble. Then he says, "It kind of sucks, because one of them is my girlfriend". So I asked him if the girl knew that, or he "asked her out" (They are only 9, so it's kind of cute and amusing at the same time). His answer was that he didn't ask her, but she should know because that's "how I roll" (he said that!). So I had an interesting time trying to explain to him that just because you like someone, doesn't mean that they are your girlfriend unless you ask them, but I don't know if he realizes that or really paid attention to what I said. It was just too funny though.

As I am typing this up, before dinner, Darby is playing WWE on the Xbox 360, (he just likes to create people) and he made a Mario wrestler and now is working on a Luigi one...I wonder how many other parents of children with PDD-NOS or Aspergers have any similar stories about obsessing over one thing for so long?

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